Rocky Mountain Regional Elimination 2017

Regional Winners
Regional Winners
Side Trial WInners
Side Trial WInners

Regional Elimination Round
Regional Elimination Round


Rocky Mountain Regional Trial May 5-6, 2017

View Draw

Start Time: 8:00
The 2016/2017 Regional Elimination Trial and side trial are May 6-7, 2017. The 2016/2017 Regional Elimination Trial and side trial will be held at the north fields at Steel Fork Pheasants in Rush, CO on May 6/7. The trial will start at 0800. Our judges will be Mike Jepsen from Big Sky Region and Jason Norton who is the Mid North Region President. Our bird handler will be Hanna Jepsen who has planted numerous Regional trials. Our side trial judges will be Dave Dowers and Ron Horn. The side trial will be in the west field -the current B Field (42 acres) the Regional field ( 48acres) will be east of the current A Field. By doing this, the Regional field will have virgin cover and we will have a full 40 acre field between the Regional and side trial to prevent bird fly over and interference from outside dogs. We did get permission from NSTRA 1st Vice President Mikeal Mulberry to chip draw the side trial to avoid conflicting braces. I am planning on drawing the side trial on Friday May 5th at the clubhouse. The Regional entry fee will be $100.00 and the side trial brace will be $45.00.

We will move to the clubhouse at the end of the trial on Saturday to hold our annual membership meeting, election, and dinner. Dinner will be available after the meeting and we are planning on prime rib made by Rhonda and Rod. The cost of the dinner will be $20.00/person. We will also have a raffle to raise money for the region and to help offset the cost of the Regional. If you are able to bring something to donate for the raffle that would be appreciated.